五金鍍鋅油墨 五金表面鍍鋅油墨 

概述:1. 適用范圍:電鍍、 鐵、鋁及鋁氧化表面、不銹鋼機烤漆等材料。 2. 油墨特性:固化后對極性底材具有優(yōu)異的附著力,洗滌精、耐酒精效果好;墨層均勻,顏料分散性好,過網性、流平性良好,涂膜具有較高的

2024-01-15 10:54:46 點擊60345次
  • 180 元/千克
18486349626 代莉
信用:4.0  隱性收費:4.0
描述:4.0  產品質量:4.0
物流:4.0  服務態(tài)度:4.0
默認4分 我要打分
1.適用範圍: 加硬PC、加硬PMMA、噴PU表面、噴UV漆表面、金屬、玻璃、電鍍、電泳、氧化鋁、電解板、鋁塑板、烤漆、噴塑、噴粉、氨基烘漆面、丙烯酸漆面、PA塑料尼龍、電木、玻纖、玻璃鋼、樹脂、密胺、三聚氰胺;
2.稀釋劑: S-003專用稀釋劑;
5.幹燥方法:自然揮發(fā)幹燥的, 墨層表幹時間5-10分鐘:實幹時間在24小時以內。
1. scope: harden PC, hard PMMA, PU, UV surface spray spray paint surface, metal, glass, electroplating, electrophoresis, alumina, electrolytic plate, aluminum plate, paint, spray, spray, paint, acrylic amino baking paint, PA plastic, nylon, bakelite, glass fiber, glass fiber, resin, melamine melamine;
2. diluent: S-003 special diluent;
3. dosage: the 300 mesh net plate can be printed about 30 square meters per kilogram.
4. curing agent: to add 10% curing agent, TA-9 or TAB-007 two kinds of curing agent;
5. drying method: natural volatilization drying, ink layer table dry time 5-10 minutes: dry time in 24 hours.
1. The test print confirms the batch production after it meets the requirements.
2, do a good job of removing oil and impurities on the surface of the printed material to promote the attached effect.
3, need to register, should be before the color table dry or hard after the registration work.
4, attachment, hardness, acid resistance, oil resistance, oil resistance, scratch resistance, abrasion resistance and other properties, and the need for the ink layer
Complete curing can be detected in the rear.
5. In the absence of permission, this series of ink can not be mixed with other types of ink and color matching.
6, the time limit for adding the curing agent is: the time of using ink after adding the curing agent is 4-6 hours, the shorter the time of using the environmental temperature is, the remaining ink is not recyclable.
7. Ink, the use and storage of diluents strictly prohibit fireworks.
五金鍍鋅油墨 五金表面鍍鋅油墨
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